Friday, February 5, 2021

Morningstar: Chapter 14: T.J.’s Discovery


Chapter 14: T.J.’s Discovery


          “T.J., what are you talking about?  Did you find a book someplace?”

          “I told you… it’s mine,” T.J. demanded.

          “OK T.J., it’s yours; would you show the book to me?”

          “I gotta pee!”

          “Ok, I’m sure Amanda will be out in just a minute.  Let’s walk back to the bathroom and I’ll wait for you and then we can talk.” 

          T.J. and I started walking back towards the kitchen to wait for Amanda.

          “You NEVER want to talk to me,” insisted T.J.

          “I really do tonight.” 

          Amanda was just walking out of the kitchen back towards the den as we entered the living room.  “I’m taking T.J. to the bathroom and then I need to talk to him for a minute. I’ll be right back.”

          “Ok, I’ll be in the den.”

          “T.J., I’ll wait for you here in the kitchen, then I need to talk to you.”

          “Aren’t you going to tell me to wash up?”

          With some exasperation on my part, I replied, “Yes, T.J., remember to wash up before you come out.” 

          After seven- or eight-minutes T.J. came out of the bathroom, pulling his pajama bottoms up.

          “Are you going to ask me if I washed?”

          “T.J., did you wash up?”

          “Yes, and I used soap,” T.J. responded emphatically with a big smile.

          “Good Job!  T.J.”  T.J. smiled again.  “OK T.J., tell me about the book you found.”

          “Dad said it was ok if I played outside, if I stayed in the yard.”

          “That’s great T.J., did you find the book outside?”

          “Yes, I told you, behind the rock.”

          “Yes, you told me you found the book.  Where was the rock?”

          “On the house.”

          “Where on the house?” I was starting to feel anxious and frustrated; but, was doing my best to be calm and patient. 


          “Ok, ok, I understand… Behind a rock on the outside of the house.  Where on the house was this rock?”

          “By the rocks that look like the picture.”

          “WHAT???  Are there rocks that look like the rocks in the picture?”

          “Yeah, on the house.”

          “Ok, T.J., thank you.”  I thought I probably had enough information to find the rocks T.J. was talking about, if they existed, and I was pretty sure they did.  One thing T.J. was very good at, much better than I had been over the years, was telling the truth.  He was no good at making things up.  I couldn’t remember T.J. ever telling a lie.

          “Now, T.J., where is the book?”

          “I have it.  I’m tired.  I want to go to bed.”

          “Ok, T.J., I know you’re tired and you need to go back to bed.  Can I borrow your book just for the night?”

          “No!  You won’t give it back.  It’s my book.  I found it.””

          “Tell ya what T.J.  I’ll give you something of mine for the book.  If I don’t give the book back, you get to keep what I give you.  We’ll trade and then trade back.  Do you understand?”

          “I think so.”

          ““What would you like of mine?”

          “Your big doll.” 

          I was afraid he would say that and knew exactly what he was talking about.  My grandmother had given me a beautiful porcelain doll that had belonged to her.  T.J. always wanted to touch it.  I would just die if it got broken, but I had to see the book.  In just a few short minutes everything had changed.  I was done with the mystery; then all the sudden it was dropped right back in my lap.  My doll for the book was a difficult decision; but I had to see the book.  Perhaps there might be some room for negotiation.

          “Ok, T.J. we’ll put it up on the shelf in your room.  You can look at it.  If I don’t give you the book back.  You get to keep the doll; but you can’t touch it for a couple of days.  OK?”

          “Can I touch it before you put it on the shelf?”

          “Ok, but I’ll hold it.  Is the book in your room?


          “I’ll go get the doll and you get the book.  I’ll meet you in your room in a minute.  OK?”


          I ran back to the den.

          “Amanda, I’m sorry.  I’ll be right back.”  Amanda was on the couch starting to drift off to sleep again.

          “OK,” she replied, half asleep.  Me, I was as wide awake as I had ever been in my life.  I grabbed the doll from its case on my shelf and ran back upstairs.  T.J. was holding an old black book with a spiral binder.

          “Here’s the doll T.J. You can touch it while I hold it.”

          T.J. stroked her hair and touched the clothes.

          “Ok, I’m going to put it up on the shelf and you go back to bed.”

          “Ok.”  T.J. hesitated, then handed me the book.  The word JOURNAL was printed on the outside of the book.  I opened the cover and on the first page was the hand-written name, in bold letters, Bobby Sekaquaptewa.



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