Sunday, March 23, 2014

6 Tips to Handle Irritating Colleagues | Fox Business

6 Tips to Handle Irritating Colleagues | Fox Business: We’ve probably all been there when it comes to having an annoying co-worker. You know — that one co-worker who is either overly arrogant, lazy, or talks your ear off? Even if you consider yourself an easy-going person to work with, you’ve probably encountered that one colleague who drives you up your cubicle walls.

After all, what would work be without having a co-worker who drives you nuts? You’re probably familiar with the beloved co-worker we’ve all grown to love (or despise), Dwight Schrute from The Office. He’s that annoying co-worker who describes himself as a “hard-working, alpha male, jackhammer… merciless…insatiable…” and is probably a good example of the person in the office you can’t escape.

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