Monday, April 27, 2020

Why plant a garden this year, even if you never have before? Please share.

Why plant a garden this year, even if you never have before? Please share.
1.       A garden can be small or large.  It can be planted almost anywhere by almost anyone.
2.       A garden can be extremely cheap to plant.  You can even use unused food (and water) from your kitchen or pantry to plant some items.  Lots of information here on how.
3.       Gardening can be great exercise and can provide some healthy exposure to the sun if not overdone.
4.       Gardening builds self-efficacy, a feeling of accomplishment.
5.       Gardening teaches children, and adults, the law of the harvest.  Something many have forgotten, and others have never learned.  You really do reap what you sow, sooner or later.
6.       Gardening helps children, and adults, better love healthy, nutritious, home-grown, foods.
7.       Healthy garden fruits, vegetables, and legumes help to produce better health… when eaten consistently.
8.       Gardening with friends/family can be a great bonding, fun, memory building, activity.
9.       Because of covid-19 and business shut-downs, there are some potential and serious supply-chain issues developing in the world.
10.      Because of locusts (Africa) and crickets (U.S.), there may be some serious food shortages in the months ahead.
11.      Also because of covid-19, and the current market reduction, many farmers are having to destroy product.  This may complicate shortages.
12.      Fresh produce is often more nutritious and has a better taste.
13.      IF there are severe food shortages and even if you do not need the produce from your garden, producing your own allows more for others who may need it.

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