Thursday, January 13, 2011


1. Continue to look for work. Devote at least some time every work day to finding employment.

2. Improve your job and interpersonal skills. This can be done through classes, reading, and/or additional experience (including volunteer work).

3. Volunteer. Spend some time every week volunteering someplace. This keeps you busy, helps you network and make additional contacts, and in many situations helps improve your employability by building additional skills.  Volunteering also helps you to stay in the habit of going to work and sends a powerful message to your future employer, that you can get up, go to work, and get along.

4. Improve your resume, job finding, and interview skills. There are many free ways to do this, from articles you can read, to free classes, to getting with friends (preferably who have been in a position to interview people for employment) to practice interviews.  Network and find out who knows about job openings.

5. Find something you can do on a part time basis to bring in even a little extra money. This helps to keep your mind sharp and creative and helps you to learn to think outside of the box. It also helps to have a little extra cash. Brainstorm with some friends about all the different legal ways you could bring in some extra money. Thousands of people have supplemented their income this way and many large businesses were started this way.

6. Do things to reduce your stress.

7. Become politically involved to help improve the economic climate without becoming obsessed.

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